Universal orlando update PART 2: Universal Studios and Citywalk

Ok, let's continue our voyage to Universal Orlando resort!
Today we'll see some photos of Universal Studios and a couple of photos of Citywalk.
Let's begin:

Let's see some panoramic photos of Citywalk first

Universal Studios' entrance

a lil' bit busy today

but no one's here!


Scooby Doo

Terminator 2: 3D is full of special effects

Ghirardelli sells excellent chocolate! You should try it (for free at the Downtown Disney location!)

the lagoon with the globes...



The "Murder, she wrote" building has been standing unused for years now!! Universal should do something about it!!

another special event follows last week's.

some works at Louie's...

Disaster is still in refurbishment

as you can see, it's all closed

wait, there's a sign over there!

here it is!

EVERYTHING will open this spring!! Universal loves spring for sure!!

tables were ready, but it was so windy that I think they moved inside!

the buffet is ready.

other tables in the street...

again HRRR

Twister's queue

the monsters cafe is still closed after many months! At least 5 months...

The new Hollywood theater

Hollywood Rip Ride Rockit relatively new banner (it's about a month old)

Shrek 4D

THE-MOST-STUPID-RIDE-EVER (in my opinion).


Thanks again for viewing the pictures! See you tomorrow with an EPCOT update! Bye!!


  1. That would be great if they turned that vacant building into transformers the ride thats going in universal hollywood and singapore!

  2. ...actually i just read that there are rumors of universal opening up a saturday night live attraction in there

  3. No problem, and I also agree that jimmy neutron is a terrible ride, they should renovate it into a different motion simulator theater ride

  4. I love the Jimmy Neutron ride!


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