Pirates museum at Nassau

Do you like pirates' museums? I hope yes, I really like them, especially if they're highly themed like Nassau's Pirates Museum!
I visited it in November 2009, and even if it's not in Orlando, I would like to share with you some photos of it. You may think that it's the common museum, but it's not. It's really worth to visit it!
Here you go with the pictures:

Look at the village... It's like the Pirates of the Caribbean!

The Pirates' pier

There was also a small but very realistic reproduction of a pirate's ship!

a pirate without a hand (maybe he lost it during a fight, because it was common during those dangerous times)

the ship's cannons

A man looking to the village

another shot of the ship

here pirates used to rest

a prisoner inside the boat

During their long journeys at sea, pirates used to take with them goats to have milk and if there was not enough food, they would also eat them)

the interior of the ship

without lights...

The treasure island!

look at the sunset! It looks real!

the setting was very good and well done

a rebel pirate was forced to remain to this island...



This was a kind of little show, with some special effects... in this picture it was off...

and here (even if you can see only a small part of it) the show was beginning!


a study

a pirate

a gentleman

This picture is a bit strange...

the torture chamber

a prisoner

the dress they used to wear at that time

And now I leave you, but remember that
TOMORROW there will be a NEW WWoHP update!
Come and visit us again soon!

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