Blog enhancements

We are currently changing OTPN's look, so we apologize in advance if any problem should occur.
Do you like our enhancements so far?
I'm also very happy to announce you that I found out how to expand the space for more photos!!!
So, don't worry, I can now continue to post all my photos!
Great news, isn't it?


  1. Hi Samuele, if it's possible, can you insert a second comment link in the top section of each post???
    I think it would be more easy to answer to the comment without scroll all the post!

  2. You're right, Bigfoots, indeed I'm trying to do it, but unfortunately the program doesn't allow me to do it... Thanks for the advice thought!

  3. I like the new look :)
    And I haven't had any problems with it :)

  4. I must make my compliment for the new site's graphic!
    I use Opera Browser and I haven't any problem with it!!!

  5. I'm glad you like our new graphic and that you haven't had any issue, but I warn you that with the Opera web browser you will not be able to see the "OTPN Friends" gadget properly. Thanks again!

  6. It's great so far! It took less time to load on my browser as well.


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