Richard Petty Driving Experience Closing at Disney World

The popular Richard Petty Driving Experience and the Exotic Driving Experience (located near the Magic Kingdom/TTA parking lot) will close in late June 2015 at the Walt Disney World Resort to make room for unspecified future transportation improvements. Guests can call (407) WDW-PLAY to modify their reservation or visit to move their reservation to another Richard Petty Driving Experience course, including the Daytona Beach location.


  1. Translation: It's not making enough money and they will be expanding the parking lot.

  2. What's crazy though is that Richard Petty is a renter and they had every intention to keep paying for the area.

  3. I'm not sure how big the area is but I guess during all peak periods the MK car park will be full with each car paying $17 so Disney would make more money from car parking charges than rent from Old side companies.


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