Universal Studios Update: New London Lights (PART 3)

Welcome to PART 3 of our latest Universal Studios Florida photo-update, Orlando Theme Park News Readers! PART 2 can be found by clicking here.

In part 2, we continues to check out the beautiful London Embankment (there are so many details to see in this relatively small area of the park!). We will now continue to spend a little more time around this brand-new land:

More details of the lights installed along the London waterfront:

The fountain:

The walls around London have been moved back:

We counted a total of three entrances from this side (with two steps each):

The first two entrances are located next to each other (the two major entrances are NOT counted):

The third entrance:

Other areas are just waiting to be filled with benches, like these ones:

The bus:

A close look at King's Cross:

The other facades:

A close look at the sign of the Leaky Cauldron:

Before we left, construction workers began installing the second light at the entrance of London:

We waited... and we were rewarded:

The final look:

1 comment:

  1. Going the cheap route with the restrooms. Let's hope they are still temporary as the coloring doesn't really hide how off the building looks.
    Frankly I'm expecting a retheming of that area as well as the Fear Factor theatre to fit more in with the London embankment. Keep the nice theme going, I say.

    I know it's crazy, but a little reference to Doctor Who, would be a nice little flow into MIB.


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