Magic Kingdom Park Photo-Update (PART 2)

Welcome to PART 2 of this Magic Kingdom photo-report (PART 1 can be found HERE).

Let us continue our update by completing our tour of Frontierland:

Singin' and dancin' in front of Pecos Bill Tall Tale Inn & Cafe:

A quick look around Liberty Square:

Over in Fantasyland, work on Peter Pan's Flights continues:

The refurbishment of the outdoor seating area of the Pinocchio Village Haus also continues:

A few photos around the "old" Fantasyland:

Let's make a quick stop to visit Winnie the Pooh and Tigger:

Since we are here, let's also say "hi" to Alice and the White Rabbit:

Some photos showing the progress being made in the future location of the Seven Dwarfs Mine Train:

Behind the walls:

From another angle:

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