DTD: Disney Springs Project Update (PART 1)

Downtown Disney is going to look radically different in the next few years, and work on this project has already started. New walls have been placed all around Pleasure Island, and buildings in some areas continue to be vacated so that they can be torn down and completely redone to fit in the re-imagined Downtown Disney, which will soon be known as Disney Springs. Let's take a look around together:

Planet Hollywood will soon lose the body of water that currently surrounds the building:

It may need to be repainted soon:

We were testing a new, more compact camera during this visit (we will use it when circumstances don't allow us to use our regular cameras). Feel free to let us know what you think about the quality of the pictures:

New Disney-Visa booth:

The rest of the West Side will not change that much (the theme will change, though):

Pleasure Island, on the other side, will change a lot:

Walls are now up in the island:

Nothing going on here... for now:

The old location of the Curl Surf Shop has been vacated, and the store has moved to the West Side:

Walls are also still up around the grassy area that was supposed to house the new waterside amphitheater:

It looks like there's finally some work going on in that area. It was about time!:

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