Universal Studios: Transformers Walls Down (PART 3)

Welcome to PART 3 of this Universal Studios Florida photo-report (PART 2 can be found right here).

We'll now continue to take a look around the exterior queue area of the new Transformers - The Ride:

As you can see, the outdoor queue can be extended:

They can connect this side...

...to that one:

This was the former outdoor seating area of the Monsters Cafe, by the way:

Some minor concrete work has been done on the walkway directly in front of the attraction's entrance:

While in the area, we checked out Universal's Superstar Parade, and we were happy to see that it didn't show any audio issues (we reported some quite major audio issues a couple of days ago):

One thing we did notice was that Spongebob's float was a bit bare:

Some features were missing (like the snail moving on top of Spongebob's house):

We also never noticed these new speakers on the light poles around Production Central, but they have likely been there since last year:

Let's continue to take a look around the park:

Disaster! is still a great attraction. It could use some additional special effects, though:

Note how nice and neat was the stroller area next to Disaster!:

And now, take a look at the incredible progress that has been made in the rumored London area:

There are so many new details to see... And our most recent visit was just last week!:

A closer look:

Time for some panoramic photos of the area. Here's one (make sure to check out the FULL-SIZE picture):

Another one (FULL-SIZE):

And here's just one more for your enjoyment (FULL-SIZE):

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