Islands of Adventure Update: Dudley Reopens (PART 3)

Welcome to PART 3 of this new Islands of Adventure photo-report (PART 2 can be found here).

More pictures of the work being done in the future train station area, from Sindbad's Theater:

Continuing our tour of The Lost Continent:

Since nobody was around, we thought it would be a good idea to take a couple of photos of the indoor queue:

The flash actually ruined our shots, though:

After the show, we went back to Jurassic Park to take some photos of the area at night:

From Camp Jurassic you can get some great views of the entire park:

We were left alone, among hundreds of hungry dinosaurs:



What's that?? Oh. no!:

It's a hungry T-REX!:

But, don't worry - we were able to escape:

Goodnight Jurassic Park:

Heading out of the park:

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