Fantasyland Update: Tangled Area Now Open (PART 5)

Welcome to PART 5 of this new Fantasyland picture-report (PART 4 can be found right here).

We have even more photos of this great new Tangled themed area:

Rapunzel's tower:

The new pathway connecting Fantasyland with Liberty Square:

Looking back:

New themed lights:

Now, here you are some panoramic photos of the whole area:


By the way, the old restrooms by Peter Pan's Flight have been officially closed:

The sign is no more:

Rumors say that they will be incorporated into Peter Pan's Flight's new interactive queue line:

That is all for today! Thank you for reading, and have a great night! See you tomorrow with more updates.


  1. Great job, looks like a great place to take a dump. Why build attractions when you can build restrooms.

  2. Great report thanks! The whole 'building site' looks like its finally coming towards the end!

    I'm interested to learn more about the 're-charge' zone!

    How exactly does it work?

  3. @anonymous:

    Look at an overhead photo of the area. There is no room there for an attraction, because the Small World and Haunted Mansion show buildings are right behind it. Disney created more bathroom capacity while also removing a notorious bottleneck that had been an issue for 40 years. And they did a great job theming it.

    When Disneyland opened Walt Disney was criticized for a lack of drinking fountains. His response: "People can buy Pepsi-Cola, but they can't pee in the street."

  4. There was once a part of an awesome attraction there, but they cut that one and didn't put anything in it's place except an overpriced restroom.

    So sad, can you imagine how great it would have been to fly over new fantasyland?

    Puting minitures in the parks looks like the new pricecutting thing Disney is doing these days. I get forced perspective but all those minitures are realy competing with Legoland.

  5. Also @ Anonymous:

    Think of it like a city park: seating, landscaping, music, water features, lighting, stroller parking, a "game", the charging stations, and yes, the bathrooms.

    People go to WDW for more than just rides.

  6. Ironic now the whole tangled area looks so bavarian, that the skyway would have fitted right in :-)

  7. The skyway was outdated... It served no purpose. Save your legs from walking across the park? Doesn't really matter when you've stood for an hour to get on.
    Peter Pan's restrooms had to be removed... I don't understand the argument that they should've built a ride instead of replacing the restrooms and including a themed sitting area with charging stations.

  8. The area looks stunning. Lance pretty much pointed out everything that's perfect and the general purpose of the Tangled area. I also like how the "game" isn't overwhelming; it's more subtle and intertwined with the scenery. Overall, it definitely serves Fantasyland quite well.

  9. This is amazing. I don't know why everyone is ragging on the new bathrooms. This area is gorgeous and no one should complain about more rides. For heavens sakes...they just put in how many rides and attractions over in New Fantasyland? I love this new section and want to visit soo badly. I think OTPN should post a before and after shot just to prove how much better it looks. (Old skyway station and current photos)

  10. OT, They did away with "skybuckets" because no one wants to see the tops of dirty buildings and ruin what disney world is for most

  11. There are a total of 9 pascals (rumored 10). I found all 9 there yesterday.

    Hints - along the stream, there are 5. In that same stream area, there are two on the building, and one on a tree.

    The other one is across the other side by the bathrooms, and my daughter wished, like flowers....look up though.

  12. I think that the detail of the new Tangled area is incredible. I can't wait to see it in the "flesh". Thank you for another great update :)


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